{6}END OF THE ROAD...{4}VICTORY! {7}The mighty Lord Ross lay vanquished, {7}so Endrick and Elandra ran into the {7}throne room, where the Mryaalan king {7}stared raptly into an evil jewel, all {7}but oblivious to the goings on around {7}him. {4}THE JEWEL DESTROYED {7}Endrick grabbed the magical jewel and {7}dashed it with all his might against {7}the marble floor. As the demon jewel {7}shattered, the king awoke. Shortly, he {7}called upon retainers to repeal all of {7}the evil decrees he had recently made {7}whilst under the jewel's influence. {6}END OF THE ROAD... {4}DISTURBING NEWS {7}Spoke the king, "Something foul is {7}afoot in Mysteria, but I know not {7}what it is. The Goblin Realm suffers {7}even more grievously than we: the {7}day before I found the jewel, a {7}Goblin emissary came to me and spoke {7}of a plague afflicting his folk. He {7}asked that I speak to the Human king {7}about this, but once in the jewel's {7}thrall, the matter slipped my mind." {6}END OF THE ROAD...{4}ANOTHER JOURNEY {7}The king looked sadly at Endrick and {7}his sister. "I believe that the {7}answers you seek may lie in the Realm {7}of the Goblins. Perhaps the hardships {7}they suffer, the woes of my Realm, {7}and those that besiege yours, are in {7}some way connected." {4}THE QUEST CONTINUES... {7}And so our heroes silently head toward {7}the distant Goblin Realm, thoughts {7}heavy with unanswered questions and {7}the dark fear that they may not be {7}able to solve the mystery of what {7}afflicts these Realms of Chaos.